New features in v3.4
Image stitching
The interface for stitching together images that have been collected for this purpose has been significantly improved, including the provision of estimated time to completion. More importantly, we have enhanced the accuracy and performance of our stitching algorithms- it is now possible to stitch an entire slide at full resolution in just a few hours (this is system dependent of course - dependent on the specification of the PC and the resolution of the collected images), whereas previously this would have been an overnight task.
The Stitching Options window has been revamped, with more information about the choices available. A new version of tutorial #17, on stitching, has been produced. We strongly recommend that anyone wanting to use PETROG for stitching should update to version 3.4 and read the new tutorial.
Thanks to all users who have provided valuable feedback on the stitching functionality, and we hope that these improvements make stitching in PETROG easier, quicker and more valuable.
Camera settings
There is a new main menu option for configuring the camera settings. By making this standalone, as opposed to it being amongst the Video Test menu options, it should be clearer and easier to use. As well as the usual colour balance / auto-exposure / rotate and flip options, we have developed a new mechanism for managing camera settings, via the creation of presets. Users now have the option to set up specific camera presets for each microscope objective, so that if the objective is switched during data collection, as soon as the software knows, it will automatically use settings appropriate to that objective. This has the advantage that auto-exposure can now be switched off, so users do not have to wait while the camera performs an auto-exposure each time the image changes.
Different presets can also be saved, and then applied, for PPL and XPL. There is a new tutorial (#1b) to guide users through the process of creating and managing camera presets.
Crosshair calibration (PixeLINK and Lumenera cameras only)
It is now possible to adjust the relative position of the onscreen crosshairs to the onscreen image, in order to align with the position of the crosshairs seen through the eyepieces. This is not usually necessary, but for some hardware configurations this option allows fine-tuning such that the grain under the crosshairs on-screen is the same as the grain under the crosshairs down the eyepieces. If this functionality is required for other cameras, then we invite users to let us know.
See Tutorial #1b for details of how to use this option.
Concurrent compositional / advanced textural data collection
The interface for using PETROG’s new annotation tools to digitise the outlines of grains and/or pores has been improved to make it more user-friendly and robust. Again, there is a new tutorial (#15a) on this feature, which we recommend all users to read in order to be aware of the advanced textural data that can now be collected.
Logging from imported images
The interface for logging from imported images has been improved, with better options should you make a mistake and need to revisit a particular image. There is a new tutorial (#19) on this feature, which opens up PETROG for use with images from other sources, such as SEM.
Textural data collection
Following a user request, we have added the option to right-click on the image during textural data collection (Auto and Grid move modes only) to immediately skip to the next point in the Area of Interest. Also, we have added the ability to collected estimated textural data, such as roundness estimations, on a per-point basis during a quantitative textural data entry session, rather than only being able to enter this data once to represent an estimate for the entire sample.
XRD import
This feature has been generalised to make it easier for users to import XRD data. Users can now specify a template, as a .csv file, describing how the columns of data in the Excel file being imported are arranged.
Bug fixes
Mk1 units with a direct Serial connection should now work under Windows 7.
There was a bug in Import from PETROG exchange format, affecting new parameters added to the database scheme in recent versions. This has been fixed.
There was a bug affecting the creation and editing of an elliptical AoI, arising only under a certain order of setting the parameters. This has been fixed.